HVR&R Leopard Gecko Shopping List
Optional items are italicized.
The enclosure
Ideal - 36x18x18” front-opening enclosure
Alternative - 36x18x16” 40 gallon breeder
Minimum - 20 gallon long
Screen lid
Only if your tank does not have one
Choose either loose or non-loose substrate.
Loose Substrate
Children’s Playsand
Organic chemical-free topsoil
Excavator clay for burrow structure
Non-loose substrate
Choose One:
Non-adhesive shelf liner
Tile (Not vinyl or linoleum - no adhesives)
Sphagnum moss - small amount for inside humid hide
Lighting and Heat
Overhead Heating
At least one of the following:
Par38 dimmable halogen bulb (between 50w-100w)
Visible light - good for day heat
AND/OR (if nighttime heat is needed)
Deep Heat Projector (50w-80w)
Good for night heat if needed
Ceramic Heat Emitter (75w-100w)
Good for night heat if needed
Dome-style fixture for Par38 Halogen and Ceramic Heat Emitter
UVB Light
Strip style T5 UVB bulb and fixture
We recommend the Arcadia Shade Dweller D3 7% UVB T5 Bulb
Under-Tank Heating
Heat mat
The mat should cover 2/3rds of the enclosure. Ignore the gallon recommendation and use the dimensions instead
Heating and Lighting Accessories
Digital thermometer with probe
Digital hygrometer
Temperature gun
Decor and Hides
Three hides minimum
Climbing surfaces
Fake plants
These are just ideas. As long as the decor is leopard gecko-safe, it is personal preference. We do not recommend using materials found outside, at least without proper sanitization.
Food and Food Supplies
Food Supplies
Shallow water bowl
Small bowl for calcium in the enclosure
Live feeder insects and storage
The number of insects for your gecko’s diet depends on its age. Please consult our care guide for quantity approximations. A variety of feeders is required.
Staple Insects
Dubia roaches
Black soldier fly larvae
Treat Feeders (no more than 3-4x per month)
Wax worms
Butter worms
Calcium without D3
Calcium with D3
Only required if there is no UVB provided
Miscellaneous and Helpful Items
Scale that reads in grams
Reptisafe water conditioner
Detoxifies chlorine and other toxic chemicals in the water for their bowls
Smart plugs
Useful for light and heat timers
Cleaning Supplies
Spray bottles
F10 veterinary cleaner
Dawn dish soap